Sale Agreed

21-23 High Street

21-23 High Street, Carrickfergus, Co Antrim, BT38 7AL

Offers in the region of


  • Former Bank Premises
  • 5,521 sq ft (512.91 sq m)


Carrickfergus is a provincial town in east Antrim located c. 12 miles east of Belfast and c. 12 miles south of Larne. It benefits from good connections to Belfast via the new A2 dual carriage way and regular rail services. The subject property occupies a prominent position on High Street, the prime retail pitch in Carrickfergus. Neighbouring occupiers include Dobbins Inn, Medicare, Superdrug and Ulster Bank.


The subject property comprises a three-storey building of brick construction with double frontage onto High Street and Marine Highway.

Internally, the property provides a Bank Hall on the ground floor along with office accommodation and ancillary staff facilities on the upper floors which are accessed via 2 no. stairwells. The property has been finished with; carpeted flooring, suspended ceilings with recessed LED lighting, perimeter trunking, and double-glazed windows.

The property also benefits from views over Belfast Lough to the south and may be suitable for redevelopment, subject to obtaining planning and the necessary statutory consents.


We understand the premises are held by way of a long leasehold title subject to a nominal ground rent. Further information is available from our clients solicitors:

Johnsons Solicitors, 50/56 Wellington Place, Belfast, BT1 6GF

Contact: David Holley
Telephone: 028 9024 0183

EPC – D88

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Image of Harry Crosby standing on a roof in a suit, with hands crossed in the front